Urban dictionary stacking. The stacks is where college students go for a steamy sexy study break, usually during midterms and finals. Urban dictionary stacking

 The stacks is where college students go for a steamy sexy study break, usually during midterms and finalsUrban dictionary stacking  (Although it is usually practised with piss, the person on the bottom of the stack could theoretically poop, as well, though it would be rude for someone higher in

A rack is (1) thousand cash could be within a rubber band. When company or family is coming over to your house so you buy a bunch of healthy food for your fridge so people think you live better then you actually do. Judy Stack For thoes males in University and College who are confined to studying and jacking off, usually one after the other. See examples of STACK used in a sentence. As said by Erowid, triple stacks are usually no different and used as a marketing gimmick by dealers. Bid – prison sentence. ”. (Its formula is RC(O) NR2)Define stacked. Four or more males having anal intercourse at the same time. I wouldn't trouble that bouncer, he's fucking STACKED ! 2. When you watch the first minute of classic, cerebral, artsy, or documentary movies on your Netflix so it posts the titles to your facebook feed; making you look good to your friends and family. comes from the item quantity cap for most items in minecraft. MIKE STRASSBURGER IS SO RAWWWWWW. to get lots of money and have it stacking up in the bankWhen multiple people ejaculate into a person consecutivelyA technique used for the digestion speedrun where one has loaded a constipation stool slug and charges it with lots of taco bell diarrhea to create an explosive. When you're playing CS and there are 50 terrorists and 4 counter terrorists, with the terrorists being the top 50 players. a large amount of money that someone doesn't have in the bank used for personal use of at least $1500. (Although it is usually practised with piss, the person on the bottom of the. rackUsed by rappers and hip-hop artists referring to the blue face of Benjamin Franklin on the 100 dollar bill, not the rapper bluefaceThese terms appear to be rooted in the sense of cap as “top” or “upper limit. A measurement of heroin or fentanyl equal to one hundred individual wax bags. k. In World of Warcraft in Arenas when the opposing team makes a hardswap to a teammate and pops all Cool Downs. In 3/4, one bar would be 3 beats, etc. When someone sits on the toilet and another person sits on their lap to shit and uses their thighs as a seat. the homosexual act of stacking one man's penis on another. A sign of popularity. when the balls are stacked on top of each other vertically and the penis is thicker than it is long. Clan stacking if frowned upon because the majority of online players don't belong to a clan. That is, one stack equals one grand, or $1,000. A measurement of heroin or fentanyl equal to one hundred individual wax bags. ( short + stacked ) Shortstacks are usually curvy and possess dat ass as well. The person who has such a busy social life is a "stacker". Wack A Stack. It derives from the stacking up of the gases, which the culprit is desperate not to disturb and the subsequent stacking up of guilt as s/he knows it's only a matter of time before s/he's discovered. Find slang words by meaning, and find synonyms of slang words on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus (urban thesaurus). v. To fall down or crash whilst on bicycles, scooters, scateboards, etc. STACKED definition: 1. Some games/servers prevent clan stacking by spreading the clan players out over the teams. For example, if one molotov causes 50 HP, then throwing 3 molotovs at something in rapid succession will cause the additional damage to add on, or stack, to the current damage per second. The entry provides the phrase "stacks of the ready" to mean "plenty of money". Middle participants penetrate and get penetrated simultaneously. Rage. A tune is usually made up of a certain number of measures (or "bars"), such as the Blues which is often called "12-bar blues. Hitting on a girl so hard that no one else can even get close to her, esp. To crash an automobile. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statementThe opposite of a Short Stack; A tall, curvy and voluptuous woman. When something cost 3 stacks, it cost $30,000. a complete retard who still acts like a teenager. The visual result of stacking unclothed females, stradling eachother (face down) to produce a tower formation in preparation for a 'clusterfuck'. Lots of paper work (homework) Verb 1. It appears on Twitter by at least 2012, though it was almost certainly in use in spoken. A term used in video gaming to describe damage (HP) to an enemy. stacked synonyms, stacked pronunciation, stacked translation, English dictionary definition of stacked. to fill something with…. stack. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or. When a group of 2 or more people sit on each other's laps over a toilet and piss together. A sports team that has better players as in stronger, faster, and all out better. Don't leave newspapers all over the floor; stack them up neatly. Chalupa. the act of stacking multiple penises on top of each other inside a vaginaWhen multiple women are stacked on top of each other and a guy fucks a new hole each thrust. "When you're playing CS and there are 50 terrorists and 4 counter terrorists, with the terrorists being the top 50 players. When multiple people take shits in the same toilet without flushing. 1. Usually a photo will be taken and posted on Twitter or Facebook. These symptoms indicate that. Look. Hitting on a girl so hard that no one else can even get close to her, esp. Then when the hoes leave him they miss him because he was the master of slaying their poonTo fall over in a spectacular or amusing fashion, often to the immense amusement of the people around you. Occurrences of stacking are much more common on deployment but sometimes stacking wars can erupt between shops at home. ) It has become clogged or B. Moreover, someone who's noxious, unbearable, and downright disgusting. It derives from the stacking up of the gases, which the culprit is desperate not to disturb and the subsequent stacking up of guilt as s/he knows it's only a matter of time before s/he's discovered. A formation used by military and law enforcement in which individuals line up single file along the same wall as the door they plan to breach in order to get through. That category contains a "shoes" sub-category. Dominantly used by students studying Visual Communication and Design. Then draining the water out of the toilet. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesStack: Refers to both gang hand signals and speaking only by using them. Buy Now. She likes stacks on stacks. It’s also been used as a replacement term for money. Some ideas are so repulsive and stupid that no normal human would ever write them down, let alone immortalize them on the Internet. 2) V. The stack is in FILO (First In, Last Out) format. The act of taking a shit in a toilet already filled with shit because either A. To juggle many women at one time; when a guy is dating multiple girls in one day. Throwing 2 more molotovs will. Anti-American terrorist who set fire to his home with his wife and child inside, attempting to kill them both, and then proceeded to remove seats from his single-engine plane and replace them with a drum of fuel and fly said plane into a building in Austin, Texas, housing the IRS. Coined by the SL resident Loki Kupfer. 2. When company or family is coming over to your house so you buy a bunch of healthy food for your fridge so people think you live better then you actually do. 1) n. to fall over or crash badly resulting in great injury or damageInserting a full bottle of hard-A into your anus to get drunker, quicker. E, triple stack or not, is usually about 10-30 dollars in pricing. I think this phrase, in the prevailing years, was shortened to the slang stack, which also took on the. . 1. when you have absolutely no chance. The stack only goes up or down and it's your main job to make it go up. blow my stack phrase. The act of accumulating satoshis ("sats"), the penny of bitcoin over time. In the popular zombie-horror first person shooter video game Left 4 Dead, survivors oftentimes employ a tactic knows as Shiva Stacking/Survivor Stacking, where all the survivors crowd into a corner and begin melee spamming. Allowing the ash to accumulate on the end of a cigarette while smoking it without it falling off. Middle participants penetrate and get penetrated simultaneously. Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your. Slang for when you are simultaneously extremely busy but boredGangster term for lots of money. A large stack of chips in table games such as poker. The act of 'stacking' several steroids together during a cycle. Stacking Pussy refers to an individuals inability to maintain a properly organized schedule of incoming vagina, and the subsequent need to then stack the pussy up somewhere. The full name for the biggest cunting fucking bastard that ever walked the face of the earth. Comes from video games and pen-and-paper RPGs. . 64 of something. blow your stack phrase. Search. When someone you see is so basic yet so absolutely hot that they're off the stack/unique in how basic they are. An awesome sport where you stack cups up and down in a particular way. A very gassy, extended fart when in a confined space and the wind has nowhere to escape, for example when sitting on a chair or under the covers in a bed. stacking a competitive game where chicks (usually naked) lay on top of each other. 2. people or things that are useful…. Clan stacking if frowned upon because the majority of online players don't belong to a clan. Verb. Home page; Browse. Clan stacking is a situation in online team gaming where one team consists of players that are part of one or multiple clans while the other team consist of. Hitting on a girl so hard that no one else can even get close to her, esp. To fall over in a spectacular or amusing fashion, often to the immense amusement of the people around you. Used in the DIY Punk community to describe a gig with more than a couple touring/big bandsWhen you're a really funny stand-up comedian and you have to pause for many consecutive laugh breaks. A section of the library that is rarely used, such as the history section, that is an ideal location for sex. $1,000 equals one(1) rack. Blues – a blue-colored prison outfit. she has way to many clothes and shoes,and needs to stop smoking! She is also really pretty and is always thinking about others. © 1999-2023 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statementUrban Dictionary → Rural Dictionary; Stack Overflow → AnonymousOverflow; Goodreads → BiblioReads; Wikipedia → Wikiless; Snopes → Suds; Wayback Machine → Wayback Classic; Github → Gothub; Bilibili → MikuInvidious; Instructables → Indestructables; Bandcamp → Tent; Wolfram Alpha → WolfreeAlpha; Meet → Jitsi; Speed Test →. Slang for stacking. Computer term: Stack where functions are called in an application. huge ass boobs. How to use poly in a sentence. This was only the start for. When a person gets on a toilet to defacate, only to be sat on top of by another person who defacates between his or her legs. Layers. Stacking / StackedJoseph Stack posted a whiney manifesto online the morning of the incident, blaming the Government and IRS for all his financial woes. It's hard to fall off this pile. Urban Dictionary is. Lots of paper work (homework) Verb 1. a slang term for the city of Hayward, California in the Bay Area. A slang term for male masturbation. "The most common meaning of "bar" that I've heard is as a synonym for "measure. The ultimate form of cockblocking. Assert dominance. Other terms relating to 'stack': blow (one's) stack; Definitions include: to become enraged. When person "a" sends multiple texts to person "b" without giving time for person "b" to read and/or reply between texts. A term used in video gaming to describe damage (HP) to an enemy. stacking a. 2. Teens and members of Gen Z are using a slew of new slang terms, many of which are confusing to older generations. Breakdown as follows: Rack = $1,000 Stack = $10,000 Book = $100,000 Bible = $1,000,000Using more than one abbreviation in a row. ”. A short girl, usually 5'4" or shorter, with an impressive bust, almost out of proportion to the size of her body. The act of stacking several objects on someone that falls asleep with your shoes on. IteratorSize(itertype::Type) -> IteratorSize. $10,000. To line up girls you plan on having relationships with in order. Someone who dresses with a more is more attitude. May be reduced to "stacking". ”. The double-stacks holds its cartridges in two staggered columns a. To be ridiculously attractive. A measurement of heroin or fentanyl equal to one hundred individual wax bags. When a female is blessed with appealing mammary glands which have the tendency to distract males focus, she is stacked up. Functions are "PUSHED" on to the stack when called and "POPPED" when retrieved. A term used in video gaming to describe damage (HP) to an enemy. though they both feel the connection, knots are created each day just by being in each others. When company or family is coming over to your house so you buy a bunch of healthy food for your fridge so people think you live better then you actually do. Promote your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. the shrunken state of the penis after existing a cold swimming poolThe full name for the biggest cunting fucking bastard that ever walked the face of the earth. Another rap music "studio gangsta" who is all of a sudden famous for being murdered in New York City. . text stacking. Cheddar. Phrase by twitch steamer xqc meaning that you’re serious, deadass, and it’s “for sure” or 💯 . A term to imply that sexual relations would be desired between a patron and a library employee. Only done by awesome people that have awesome speed, awesome hand eye co-ordination, and most of the time no life. Depending on how high or low you are in the group of bodies, there is a difference in the amount of force per thrust. For example, if one molotov causes 50 HP, then throwing 3 molotovs at something in rapid succession will cause the additional damage to add on, or stack, to the current damage per second. the arrangement of aircraft traffic in busy flight lanes, esp while waiting to land at an airport, with a minimum vertical separation for safety of 1000. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Verb; When two people touch their butt-holes together in a scissor-like method. ( by the way the filling tank is the big white thing thats behind you when your going number 2, has a lid on it, it's full of water and a few moving parts) To be able to apply more than once, or combine with something else that has the same effect. Example: if I throw one molotov, I will cause 50 damage. MIKE STRASSBURGER IS SO RAWWWWWW. Some games/servers prevent clan stacking by spreading the clan players out over the teams. 00. "He's from the 'stacks ". Promote your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksa large amount of money that someone doesn't have in the bank used for personal use of at least $1500. What does blow my stack expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ie buttholea large amount of money that someone doesn't have in the bank used for personal use of at least $1500. what you would say if something was really good. STACK & RACK are commonly confused in urban slang. A short woman, typically around 4 feet tall, that's curvy and well endowed in the chest and ass regions. See examples of COPE used in a sentence. A fierce hood in Duval County, located on Jacksonvilles south side. The act of stacking ducks on top of each other, while trying to get each duck to continuously quack in harmony. Mostly done with friends in competition to see who can quacker stack the best. To fall down or crash whilst on bicycles, scooters, scateboards, etc. stacked; Definitions. It is agreed upon amongst the participants that whoever grabs their phone first must pay the bill. How to use stack up in a sentence. 23. Typically rendered by utilizing several styling techniques including weave extensions and braiding. When a female is blessed with appealing mammary glands which have the tendency to distract males focus, she is stacked up. So, no cap has the sense of “no lie,” “no joke,” “for real,” or “not bragging. Like someone is being held at gunpoint. the act of stacking multiple penises on top of each other inside a vaginaexpression used by spongebob squarepants' character "patrick the starfish". by Grimache March 19, 2008 Get the stacking mug. Have you ever wondered how many bones two people can stack?Short Stack is a 3 piece Australian band from the Central Coast town of Budgewoi. In ArcGIS, layers are collections of geographic data. 1,000 dollars When company or family is coming over to your house so you buy a bunch of healthy food for your fridge so people think you live better then you actually do. a. The ultimate form of cockblocking. Usually very steamy and mountainous. Lots of paper work (homework) Verb 1. He has been known to be acting the cunt for nearly 21 years now. Other. A single stack magazine holds all of its cartridges in one column. Boost your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. Usually used in reference to stacking bodies for body count, it can also be used in reference to stacking on a door, or taking out a large number of enemies. To have any body part on another persons body. Often stacks. When your wife gives you one, or multiple, jobs or tasks to do on top of the already high-pile of things to do on your honey do list. The Online Slang Dictionary. Flight Line is by far the most notorious stacking shop. A knot is basically a swelling of the Bulbus Glandis, a part of a canine's penis. Slang for stacking paper. A pile of cash, worth ten thousand. Putting two hits of ecstasy into one pill for a higher price that will have a greater effect. In World of Warcraft in Arenas when the opposing team makes a hardswap to a teammate and pops all Cool Downs. when you have absolutely no chance. 22. Whenever shit head servers do not know how to do their job. Each person is penetrating the person below them while getting pounded from behind at the same time. the Urban Dictionary states that 1 G equals 1 stack. Unlike most paper, US paper money is made out of cotton and linen rather than the wood pulp used in paper you can buy at the store. In the military, while seeing someone either in person or in a picture of the dress uniform with many ribbons that they had achieved. each time getting less and less funny. RACK & STACK are commonly confused in urban slang. Like more than you can afford but obviously rappers are able to pay to stay fresh(noun) A stack is anything an amount of 64. Clan stacking is a situation in online team gaming where one team consists of players that are part of one or multiple clans while the other team consist of. well you know. when you have absolutely no chance. stacking definition: 1. . Also known as the Might. Middle participants penetrate and get penetrated simultaneously. hey mate, did you see that guy who fully stacked it on his bike the other day? by iamewy January 31, 2009 Get the Stacked It mug. Managing your email preferences. A very gassy, extended fart when in a confined space and the wind has nowhere to escape, for example when sitting on a chair or under the covers in a bed. When multiple people take shits in the same toilet without flushing. 100 racks equals one(1) book. It is known as the "heart" of the bay. The stack is always there for you, in. Noun ˈstaks An elaborate hairstyle resulting in multiple layers and textures. The building pressure of intense and focused anger finally overcomes the best efforts of containment, repression, and self-control. They will get a suprise when the toilet refills itself. A game that takes place usually over a meal or any social gathering in an attempt to get everyone to actually interact with each other as opposed to being glued to their smartphone screens. A series of bullets on stacked vertically and used to load rifles faster than loading bullet by bullet. These indexes are then used to find usage. STACK definition: A stack of things is a pile of them. As in planking, arms must be back with head and toes pointing down. ) You're having a Double Stacking contest1) n. Stack $1, 000 / A Thousand Dollars Urban Dictionary: stacks. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words. The person who has such a busy social life is a "stacker". An example sentence included is, “That was good, no cap. Just after 6pm, officers from Devon and Cornwall Police were. Example: if I throw one molotov, I will cause 50 damage. A smart Marine from another shop will always check the ground for any taped silhouettes of human figures as stepping on one of these will get you stacked in a heart beat. HasShape{N}() if there is a known length plus a notion of multidimensional shape (as for an array). 10 stacks equals a book. The inevitable and imminent eruption of loosed anger is foreshadowed by purpling of the face, flaring of the nostrils, arteries bulging in the neck, and eyeballs popping out of the head. The act of multiple people taking a dump in the same toilet, one after the other, without flushing in the hopes of achieving ultimate cloggage. If you are black pilled you feel the future does not have a positive outlook. According to Urban Dictionary, when someone writes “no cap,” it “basically means that they’re not lying or ‘capping’ like they did something. The visual result of stacking unclothed females, stradling eachother (face down) to produce a tower formation in preparation for a 'clusterfuck'. A term used in video gaming to describe damage (HP) to an enemy. It can also be referred to as "The Great wall of McChicken". The act of multiple people taking a dump in the same toilet, one after the other, without flushing in the hopes of achieving ultimate cloggage. Putting two hits of ecstasy into one pill for a higher price that will have a greater effect. For example, if one molotov causes 50 HP, then throwing 3 molotovs at something in rapid succession will cause the additional damage to add on, or stack, to the current damage per second. Shortstack is a slang term describing the body type of a short and voluptuous (hence, stacked) female. Synonyms of stack. To show someone up or one up that person. Middle participants penetrate and get penetrated simultaneously. Stacking Pussy refers to an individuals inability to maintain a properly organized schedule of incoming vagina, and the subsequent need to then stack the pussy up somewhere. A curvy girl who only comes to mid chest height with Huge Tits and a Plump ass. (of a woman) having large breasts. Boost your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks. . In other words, people say “no cap” to convey that they’re being totally and completely honest. . Binky – a homemade syringe usually made out of an empty pen, eyedropper, and guitar string. Noun ˈstaks An elaborate hairstyle resulting in multiple layers and textures. A formation used by military and law enforcement in which individuals line up single file along the same wall as the door they plan to breach in order to get through. A common term a hardcore 2nd Amendment Supporter will tell Anti-Gunners that want to confiscate guns. To put off something that will only get worse in time. STACK & RACK are commonly confused in urban slang. When a fat cuck chokes in a crew battle and then tries to screw over his whole team. Stacking When a group of 2 or more people sit on each other's laps over a toilet and piss together. Both sides can give the stacks, which will escalate to a bigger argument. When the hand motions of cup stacking are simulated the relationship between cup stacking and masturbating is fairly evident. When multiple women are stacked on top of each other and a guy fucks a new hole each thrust. The practice of attending multiple social functions consecutively. The Goat he has his own Video games he was on MTV and BET billboards. 2. When someone flushes it later they will get a surprise when the tank fills up with. The less of a life you have, the better you are. Then draining the water out of the toilet. Anything really that gives you the same overwhelming joy of receiving a massive plate of stacked fajitas. When you stack two or more sluts vertically and then alternate from one hole to the next, moving up and down the stack. Advertise your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksWhen multiple women are stacked on top of each other and a guy fucks a new hole each thrust. Urban Dictionary: stacks. The visual result of stacking unclothed females, stradling eachother (face down) to produce a tower formation in preparation for a 'clusterfuck'. ”. Jack: What happened to your rear end? Andy: Mate, I was riding down to Maccas in only me Speedos when I slipped off the back of me seat and me nads got wedged between the back wheel and frame of me pushy! I then stacked it in Similar to victim cred stacking, but more general and woke. If someone has the cheddar, it means they must be making bank. Greens , Benjamins , Paper. Usually, these lefty's want government goons like the Alcohol, Tobacoo, Firearms and Explosives or known as the ATF to confiscate your guns instead of themselves as they are cowards. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "pancake stack" are: stack, waffle, canadian pancake, flapjack, and audie. He bought some forty acres from some Rancher, and in a few years sprouted into a town. A sign of popularity. . FODDER meaning: 1. Colloquialisms used on the Internet. When Teacher writes on the whiteboard " Stack Chairs " but the "r" looks like an "n" creating a hilarious rapper/swag line. Nickel: five dollars (by multiplication of the value of the five-cent coin) 34. When someone wears lots of necklaces, rings or accessories. Hitting on a girl so hard that no one else can even get close to her, esp. 2. ie buttholeThe act of defficating in the filling tank of a toilet. We made this up a couple months ago to mess with this kid who said he was a rounder. A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z # new; StoreWords used to describe an epic night, person or action. A curvy girl who only comes to mid chest height with Huge Tits and a Plump ass. That fool is always stacking mad nutty. The ultimate form of cockblocking. When something cost 3 stacks, it cost $30,000. It derives from the stacking up of the gases, which the culprit is desperate not to disturb and the subsequent stacking up of guilt as s/he knows it's only a matter of time before s/he's discovered. (Although it is usually practised with piss, the person on the bottom of the stack could theoretically poop, as well, though it would be rude for someone higher in. They can't sing and use 4 chords in all their songs. Example: if I throw one molotov, I will cause 50 damage. 2. A curvy girl who only comes to mid chest height with Huge Tits and a Plump ass. ”. Noun ˈstaks An elaborate hairstyle resulting in multiple layers and textures. A huge wad of money, usually 100's and 50's, carried around by ballers, drug dealers, or rich ass bastardsA short woman, typically around 4 feet tall, that's curvy and well endowed in the chest and ass regions. Middle participants penetrate and get penetrated simultaneously. Therefore, you turn your backs to one another and intertwine your buttcheeks, alternating one person's atop the. That fool is always stacking mad nutty. When 2 people want to cuddle in bed, but the room temperature exceeds comfortable cuddling conditions. The acting of racking (and stacking) chairs after B Lunch. Choosing Urban Dictionary's Word of the Day. 2 or more naked Italian women lying one of top of the other1. Zig-ZagsThe worst band ever formed. Each person is penetrating the person below them while getting pounded from behind at the same time. The meaning of STACK UP is to add up : total. The 4 girls ellisa, ellie, sabrina, and kayla laughed at the 'easy stack' that was giving someone head in the family bathrooom. An organic functional group similar to amine, except a carbonyl is next to it. People that can't do sport stacking just dis the people that can because they're jealous and claim they sped the. Girlfriends should never stack boxes. got stacks. See: victim cred stacking.